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Trening "Cherry in the cake" je namijenjen omladinskim radnicima i omladinskim liderima, a pruža mogućnosti za sagledavanje različitih aspekata kvaliteta omladinskih razmjena i njihovog povezivanja sa omladinskim radom na lokalnom nivou.

Project “EICEE – Western Balkan Eco Innovation and Circular economy Ecosystem” supported by European Union through call EU Civil Society Facility and Media Programme in favor of the Western Balkans and Turkey for 2021-2023 (IPA III) started with realization from January 9th 2023.

The first partnership meeting was organized in Podgorica in the period from June 11, 2023. until 13.06.2023.

Association for Democratic Prosperity – Zid from Montenegro together with CEDRA from Croatia, Deli Center from Serbia, ARNO from Macedonia, Lens from Kosovo, Green Building Council from Bosnia and Hercegovina implementing project “EICEE – Western Balkan Eco Innovation and Circular economy Ecosystem” supported by European Union through call EU Civil Society Facility and Media Programme in favor of the Western Balkans and Turkey for 2021-2023 (IPA III).

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