The partners from the WB6 within the framework of the Western Balkans Youth Social Economy Alliance - WB SEA project will organize Schools for Social Economy in the next few weeks.
These days all we do is promote the Schools for Social Economy that will happen in this period organized by the partners of the WB6 from the Western Balkans Youth Social Economy Alliance - WB SEA project.
Training on public advocacy, partnership building and digital tools in social entrepreneurship
06 Apr 2022The Association for Democratic Prosperity - Zid, from March 27 to April 2, 2022, organized training on public advocacy, partnership building and digital tools in social entrepreneurship, in Podgorica.
The current state on the housing sector in Montenegro has many similarities with the rest of the Western Balkans countries, such as BiH, North Macedonia and Serbia.
Housing Policy and Space Management is a policy that provides adequate or affordable access to housing, along with an employment policy and that is the main challenge in achieving the security of citizens of Montenegro.
Asocijacija za demokratski prosperitet - Zid poziva sve mlade da se pridruže na Erasmus+ Info danu u utorak, 25. oktobra u 16h u Event&Training Centru Kuća Čubranović 1630.
Asocijacija za demokratski prosperitet - Zid poziva sve mlade da se pridruže na Erasmus+ Info danu u utorak, 25. oktobra u 16h u Event&Training Centru Kuća Čubranović 1630.
Asocijacija za demokratski prosperitet – Zid poziva sve predstavnike i članove omladinskih organizacija, mlade (18-30 godina) iz Crne Gore da se prijave za učešće na treningu za mlade facilitatore u oblasti Socijalne ekonomije.